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All Kentuckians are mandated reporters. If you believe a child is being abused or neglected, call the Child Protection Hotline.

1-877-KYSAFE1 or 1-877-597-2331

For contact information in other states, please visit our Report It page.

Additional Support:

Child help: National Abuse Hotline:
or 1-800-422-4453


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Fun, Indoor Activity Ideas for Those Gray Winter Months

Whether you’re getting snow, rain, or just plain ole cold weather where you are, entertaining your kids during the winter months can be a challenge.  While it’s important to make sure our kids are getting plenty of outdoor, physical activity time built into their day, it’s not always feasible with our unpredictable Kentucky weather.   

However, there are still plenty of indoor activities you can do with your kids that will keep them occupied, entertained, and, most importantly, happy on those long weekend days spent at home.   

Science-related activities:  

– Help your kids whip up a batch of slime that will entertain them for hours to come
Build a city with your kids using Legos or some other building blocks
-Use one or more of these fun and educational science-experiment ideas to help your child embrace their inner Einstein 

Baking and cooking activities:  

-Make your own healthy snack, such as granola bars, using ingredients your kids love most
-Purchase or make homemade cupcakes for your kids to decorate with their favorite icing and candies
-Make dinner a family event by making homemade individual pizzas that your kids can decorate with their favorite pizza toppings 

Physical activities: 

-Build an indoor obstacle course for your kids with items you have lying around your home
-Play games in the hallway, such as crab-walk races, green light/red light and leap frog
-Host a dance party with some of your kids’ favorite songs 

Reading/learning activities: 

-Help your kids write letters (yes, actual letter with pen and paper!) to their friends/relatives
-Cuddle up with a pile of their favorite books to read together 

Crafty/creative activities: 

-Let your kids raid your closet and put on an at-home fashion show
-Make tie-dye shirts using this mess-free sharpie technique 
-Practice finger-painting

Whatever activities you decide to do, just know that any quality time you are spending with your kid are opportunities to make meaningful and lasting memories!