Report It



All Kentuckians are mandated reporters. If you believe a child is being abused or neglected, call the Child Protection Hotline.

1-877-KYSAFE1 or 1-877-597-2331

For contact information in other states, please visit our Report It page.

Additional Support:

Child help: National Abuse Hotline:
or 1-800-422-4453


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Overview of Child Abuse Prevention Month 2023

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, an important time to remember that everyone has a role to play in keeping communities safe for kids to grow and thrive. According to findings within the latest national Child Maltreatment Report, Kentucky now has the 6th highest rate in child maltreatment as opposed to its number 1 in 2019. While this trend is noteworthy, there are many factors that influence these numbers and it is important to continue promoting policies and programs that will boost Kentucky’s efforts to support its families and keep children safe from harm.

The Face It Movement, an initiative founded and funded by Kosair For Kids, directly addresses incidences of child abuse and neglect in Kentucky by promoting best practices in child abuse prevention and intervention, building awareness and engaging the community, and advocating for effective policies to improve the child welfare system.

During the month of April, Face It will be hosting a series of events and trainings, sharing free resources for parents, caregivers, community members, and professionals, promoting child safety tips and family engagement ideas, and more! Want to stay up-to-date on events? Give your board some action items? Utilize our social media packet and check out our Child Abuse Prevention Month webpage to find ways YOU can get involved and take action. This year for Child Abuse Prevention Month our focus is on the 5 protective factors from the Strengthening Families Model.

Week of April 3 – Concrete support in times of need
Children can thrive when their families have the support they need. Parents and caregivers need access to concrete support and services, such as healthy food, stable housing, child care, and health and mental health services, to help address their family’s basic needs and minimize stressors that could escalate into a crisis.

Week of April 10 – Knowledge of parenting and child development
Learning about parenting strategies and important milestones in child development helps us understand what to expect and how to provide what children need during each developmental phase. Being aware of developmental milestones lets parents know when to reach out for professional support. All parents, caregivers, and those who work with children can benefit from increasing their knowledge and understanding of child development.

Week of April 17 – Social connection and social and emotional competence of children
Social connections are important in helping children families thrive. Whether you are a neighbor reaching out to build connections with a new parent down the street or a state legislator looking to create policy change that provides for the concrete needs of families, there is space for everyone to contribute and build stronger Kentucky families.

Social emotional competence is a building block for learning and thriving throughout life. What can parents do to nurture their children’s social and emotional development, including building strong and secure attachments? Children thrive when parents provide not only affection but also respectful communication, consistent rules and expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence. Check out tips to CONNECT from the Kosair for Kids Face It Movement.

Week of April 22 – Parental resilience
Being a parent can be a very rewarding and joyful experience. But being a parent can also have its share of stress. Building resilience can help parents and caregivers effectively manage stressful situations and help ensure our families are on a trajectory of healthy, positive outcomes.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram throughout the month for safety tips, event highlights, parenting inspiration, and more!